I don’t have any other clothes than what I am wearing, can you help me?
We have a free clothing store and a subsidised laundry service at our Day Centre. We can help you wash your clothes and provide you with appropriate clothing if you need a change or warmer clothing. Please visit our Day Centre between 11am and 3pm, Monday to Thursday so we can help you.
I don’t have any food to eat today, can you help me?
We are sometimes able to provide food parcels and can let you know the locations of local food banks near you. We also have free three-course hot lunches available from Monday to Thursday between 11am and 3pm at our Day Centre; please visit so we can help you.
What is poverty?
Poverty is when a person’s resources – usually material resources – are inadequate for covering their minimum needs. This includes rent, food, personal hygiene needs and utilities (heating/lighting) along with social participation, such as the ability to visit friends and family or take part in community life and events. We recommend viewing this JRF resource for further information on the definition of poverty.
What is the poverty line?
‘The poverty line’ is the minimum income an individual or family requires to meet their basic needs such as housing, food, hygiene, heating, lighting and social participation. This varies across areas of the UK and between different groups depending on living circumstances (such as family size or average private rents in an area). We recommend viewing the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s annual review of Minimum Income Standards for in-depth information on this issue.
I have lost my job. Can you help me find work?
Our Day Centre is open for you to drop in between 11am and 3pm Monday to Thursday. Here we have computer and internet facilities you are able to use for completing job search requirements at no cost. We also help with C.V. writing, cover letter writing, identifying the best job search sites for your search for work and building skills that will help you in interviews and re-entering the job market.
I want to get off benefits but have no work experience, can you help me?
We run a job club at our Day Centre to help people recognise the skills they already have which are transferable for employment. We also help people build skills in computer use, job searching, interview techniques and other areas that will help you find fulfilling employment. Drop into our Day Centre between 11am and 3pm, Monday to Thursday for assistance.
Can you help with my benefits claim?
Our support workers have experience helping people with benefit claims, completing forms and making calls using our phones and talking with the relevant benefit departments, We can also provide other benefits related assistance. Please come to our Day Centre between the hours of 11am and 3pm, Monday to Thursday so we can help you.
I work on a zero-hours contract and cannot cover my living expenses. I want to find a better paying and more secure job, can you help?
Our Day Centre is open between 11am and 3pm from Monday to Thursday and here you can find help to improve your job prospects through our Job Club, searching for fulfilling work or identifying areas and courses for further study in an area you would like to find meaningful employment in.
I have a drug/alcohol problem, can you help?
We offer emotional support and are able to direct you to appropriate addiction services for treatment and specialist support. Please come and visit us at our Day Centre between the hours of 11am and 3pm, Monday to Thursday.
I am worried my friend/family member has problems with addiction, can you help?
Being a family member or friend of a person with an addiction can be very worrying and frustrating. It is important that you get help and advice and don’t try to “handle the situation” by yourself. Families and friends can play an important role in supporting their loved one and helping them to seek help for their addiction. However, many people find they are not equipped to deal with the mental, emotional and physical stress of dealing with a loved one in addiction.
We recommend finding support from others in the same situation through local groups such as Families Anonymous (which is based on the same principles as Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous) who can be contacted on 0207 4984 680. Also, it’s worth checking out Adfam who are a charity that support families of those on addiction and who have lots of useful information and testimonials on their website www.adfam.org.uk.
I have been given an eviction notice – what should I do now?
It is really important to act quickly and talk to the right people to get help. We can signpost you to the appropriate services if you come to our Day Centre between 11am and 3pm Monday to Thursday, but you should contact North Devon Council Housing Service (or Torridge District Council) as soon as possible.
I am homeless tonight, what should I do?
Come to see us at our Day Centre between 11am and 3pm, Monday to Thursday and we can talk you through your options and see what we can do. Unfortunately, there are no direct access homeless shelters or hostels in North Devon. That’s why we advise you immediately contact North Devon or Torridge District Council (as appropriate) and talk to their housing team.
If we have room available we may be able to help you within our supported housing project, Freedom Housing. Sometimes, all we can do is provide you with a sleeping bag, tent and advice on how to stay safe if you are sleeping rough.
Where can I get help with food and showers?
You can get a free three-course hot meal and have a shower at our Day Centre which is open Monday to Thursday between 11am and 3pm. We are the only place where free showers are available and we can also provide details of other places which provide food.
I don’t have a local connection to North Devon, will you be able to help me?
Possibly! We will need to undertake an assessment of your circumstances and this will determine what kind of assistance we can offer. Without a local connection, you will be unable to access certain services provided by the Local Authority, however you would receive help to be reconnected to an area where you have a local connection if it is reasonable for you to return.
In some cases we can still help those without a local connection. This might be in our own Freedom Housing accommodation (if available) or by helping you secure accommodation locally in the private rented sector. If in doubt please pop in for a chat at our Day Centre between 11am and 3pm, Monday to Thursday.