Who we are

We are a Christian charity outworking the vision of Freedom Church to help those who are marginalised and socially excluded, demonstrating the heart and love of God in our community.

We are a ‘needs led’ organisation – where we recognise a need that is not being met for the vulnerable in our community we do our best to fill the gap. This involves working with a range of service users including homeless people, those suffering from addiction issues, people with poor physical and mental health, debt and poverty and those who simply want to improve their health or improve their life skills.

We believe we can best meet each individual’s specific needs through a multi-agency, holistic approach. We accept people for who they are, see the value in every individual, welcome them and do our very best for them. We are not here to judge actions or motives, rather to assist and support. We accept and respect every individual, regardless of race, gender, age, beliefs, (dis)ability or sexual orientation.

Why we do what we do

We believe everyone has value, potential and can change, so we focus on supporting service users to move forward, including improving their access to meaningful occupation, training, and employment opportunities. We work in this way because…

  • Wholeness comes from a result of physical, emotional, relational and spiritual healing
  • Individuals have the right to make their own choices
  • Individuals have the right to be treated with dignity and respect
  • Individuals should be empowered to reach their potential
  • Individuals should be given the opportunity to change
  • Individuals have the right to receive quality support.